Sunday, March 12, 2023

Coincidence? Or Meant To Be?

 So shortly after we decided to turn the house into a Bed and Breakfast, we met a wonderful lady in town. (Several wonderful ladies actually, but we will focus on this one) We invited her to come see what we were doing, and we had a great afternoon showing her around. 

Back then it was "and here we are going to have this and this and this.." as we pointed out each area covered in dust, building materials and grime. "Can you see it?" we would laugh. The answers ranged from "Um, not exactly.. to Mm hmm, and how long do you think this will take?" 

But this lady could see the visions we had and was excited to spread the word about what we were doing.  About a week later, she called and said "Hey, I was talking to my friend Mary about what you guys were doing with the house. Mary asked what house it was, so I pulled up a picture and showed her. You aren't going to believe this! Mary is the great granddaughter of the owner! Her grandmother is the Katherine that you are naming the house after!"

We were completely stunned. What kind of crazy coincidence is this? Mary lives 2 hours away near Door County, and we would have never been able to trace the house to her without our dear friend.

Mary came to visit a few weeks after that, and told us stories about her grandmother. She gave us these two pictures that I framed and put in the entryway for everyone to see.

These are Katherine and her husband. (they look a bit off center because of my poor photo taking skills) 

Recently, Mary called me all excited because she finally found the newspaper article from 1910 about Katherine and Franklin's wedding date. It was written in the German newspaper, so I will have it on the wall with the translation. They were married here in the house on November 5, 1910.  We feel so connected to the family, that it had to have been fate that brought us to this house and gave us the life we love.


  1. You are family ❤ Thank you for the love you have given the house (and blood, sweat and tears) and for bringing my grandmother back into my life!! I don't think this is just coincidence.

  2. Such a neat story!
    Leanah Litwiller


Where has the time gone??

 Hi friends!! I was shocked to see how long it has been since I blogged. Life has been sooo crazy!! A few updates: This has been one of my m...