Sunday, January 15, 2023

Are you serious???

 "Ummm.. what?!?! Are you serious? Did we really win?"

Pete seemed to take a deep breath. He was silent for a minute.  I started getting nervous.  "What's the matter? Didn't we win? Why aren't you talking?" I asked.  He replied with "Oh, sorry. I was checking my fitbit, and just sitting at my desk, my heart rate was 120! And, yes. We won!"

Earlier that day, I had taken our cat to the vet for a small surgery to remove four of his teeth that were bad.  I suddenly realized I was supposed to go pick him up at 4:30. "Oh crap, I have to go get Shadow.  I completely forgot!"

I drove to the vet's office, my mind spinning. What did we just do? Did we just take on The Money Pit? Do we really think we can restore this house? It is in REALLY bad shape. Ugghh... 

The Vet Tech came out with a very groggy Shadow, and started to explain to me that once they got in to remove the teeth, they ended up taking out 17, not four! I tried really hard to pay attention, but I had to stop her.

"Please, can you write down whatever you are saying right now? I can't think. I just won a house."

A few puzzled looks later, and I was on my way home with the cat.  I decided to drive by the house just to look at it again.  I sat out front for a few minutes and just stared.  Well, things happen for a reason, I thought.  There is a reason we won this house. It needs a lot of love and a lot of work. I looked at the dilapidated porch, the terrible siding, all of the trees and plants that have taken over the yard and made the house almost invisible. And then I closed my eyes and visualized a warm, inviting, beautiful Victorian.  Yes, I said out loud to myself, this is our house.


  1. Poor Kitty, and cool house!

  2. I especially love the last line of this blog entry “Yes, I said to myself, this is our house”❤️


Where has the time gone??

 Hi friends!! I was shocked to see how long it has been since I blogged. Life has been sooo crazy!! A few updates: This has been one of my m...