Sunday, January 8, 2023

 Our first walk through of the house..

So, once we got through the initial shock, we decided to explore.  The house was originally a big single family home, but was turned into an upper/lower duplex. The front bedroom on the first floor, we discovered, was actually the original foyer. The staircase had been ripped out, and the ceiling was covered over to create a bedroom. A staircase was enclosed on the porch to access the second floor apartment. As we took in all of the sights (and smells) of the house, my brain immediately started seeing what it could be versus what it actually was. I started noticing the gorgeous hardwood floors, the 3 sets of still functioning pocket doors, the servant's staircase up the back of the house.. 

Before we even got through the entire house, we looked at each other and said "this is our house."  Now, just to win that auction! 

The auction was open for a month, and we started watching it.  The price stayed pretty low for quite a long time. I was really excited, until Pete reminded me that most of the bidding happens on the last day.  And so, we waited patiently until the last day.  He was still living in Virginia, getting everything in order to move here.  He stayed at work later than usual, because we figured his work internet was faster than the home internet. All the better to hit the "place bid" button! 

The bidding was set to close at 4pm.  But it had a "soft close" from 3:50pm on, so that anyone who places a bid extends the time another 2 minutes to make it fair for others to keep bidding as well.  So 4:00 came.. and the bidding continued. 4:10.. 4:15.. we apparently were in a bidding war with another person. Every time they would place a bid, I would say "Pete!" and he would reply with "I'm on it!" 

4:20... Me: Ugghh how can people do this regularly?? I think I'm gonna be sick!"

4:25.. The other person placed a bid. "Pete!" I practically yelled.  His response was different this time.. "Keri, if I place the bid, this is all the money we have. If he outbids us, we are done. Do we go for it?"  After a deep breath I responded with "Yes. Let's do it. If the house is meant to be ours, we will win the auction." So Pete placed the bid.  And then we watched the 2 minutes click down.. slowly.. I felt myself holding my breath... 1 minute... 30 seconds... I tried to distract us by asking him about work. It didn't work. The clock went down to 3..2...1. Bidding Closed.

I sat back and released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Oh my God, I am never gonna do something like this again."  

Pete:I think we won.

Me: Ugghh I can't even think about it right now.. 

Pete: Hey honey, I just got the email. We just won a house. 


  1. I didn’t realize it was so stressful for you.

  2. Wow what a crazy but great story.

  3. Omg that's crazy!!

  4. Even though I've been following you from the beginning, I'm hooked!! Looking forward to Sunday's entry.


Where has the time gone??

 Hi friends!! I was shocked to see how long it has been since I blogged. Life has been sooo crazy!! A few updates: This has been one of my m...